College Student's Job Application Made of Legos Goes Viral Online

Leah Bowman created a "Lego" job application that has gone viral.

ByABC News
March 27, 2014, 4:36 PM
College student Leah Bowman created a Lego job application that has gone viral online.
College student Leah Bowman created a Lego job application that has gone viral online.
Courtesy Leah Bowman

March 27, 2014 — -- Leah Bowman, 20, a student at Northwestern University, tapped into a childhood passion for Legos to create a job application that exploded on Reddit and other news sites.

Originally from Johnston, Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines, Bowman is majoring in Communication Studies with a certificate in Integrated Marketing. She also has a minor in Anthropology.

While she was home for spring break, she built a model of herself to send to a potential employer. Her Danish heritage may have influenced her family's interest in Legos, which is based Billund, Denmark.

She built “Lego me” for one company and also decided to send more to other companies.

When asked whether she's had any luck so far, she said, "I've had a few great talks with a couple agencies and have more to hear back from that I applied to in the past month."

Leah Bowman, a Northwestern University student, is hoping has attracted the attention of potential employers with a creative job application.

Lego may be her dream job one day, but maybe not yet.

"Someday I'd love to work at Lego, but for now I just want to find a job that gives me unique challenges every week and gain some great experience," she said.

College student Leah Bowman created a Lego job application that has gone viral online.

"The attention has been overwhelming in the best way," she said. "A lot of people have expressed how creative or unique my project was. Many Redditors who have experience in the advertising field have also offered some great advice, especially about what positions in an agency might be a better fit for me. But it'd be silly if I expected to be offered jobs based solely on a Lego set. I have a full resume with my education and experience that is always included, and I have the confidence and experience to shine in interviews which is where you really win any job."